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2554 West 59th Street

2554 West 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60629
Property in Gage Park
Local assessors in Chicago, IL have categorized 2554 West 59th Street as a commercial type of property. The home was built in 1924 and is 100 years old. The property's lot size has been calculated to be 7,250 square feet. The linear feet between the front and back of the lot was measured at 580 ft and the front of the lot was measured at 1,250 ft. Sharp-eyed aficionados of architecture will notice that the home on the property was built in a unknown style. This is a single story home so it's perfect for folks who don't want to have to climb stairs on a daily basis.

Curious to learn more about the home? Our team of data engineers have sourced the most up-to-date information from the local assessors office to share with you. Here at RealtyHop, we've focused a lot of our efforts into gathering up-to-date and accurate data for our users. Based on our sources, 2554 West 59th Street was last sold in Sep 20, 2000 for $110,000. According to our calculations, that's $30.56 per sqft. Prior to that sales transaction, the property was sold for $60,000 in Sep 26, 1994. Current property owners are expected to pay $14,647 in taxes per year. The property on 2554 West 59th Street was last assessed in 2023. As a result of that assessment, the total value of the property was placed at $67,002. To break that down further, the land itself was valued at $16,313. While improvements to the property were assessed at a total of $50,689. Based on our records, the total assessed value for this property has been marked as less than the total market value as of this moment. Which is great for tax purposes. Are you already in the process of closing on a property and have signed a purchase agreement? You may want to consider locking in your current mortgage rate if interest rates have been rising or seem volatile. This is what's known in the market as a mortgage rate lock (aka rate protection). However, be sure to evaluate your situation carefully before you do so. There may be certain costs associated with taking this action and you'll want to time the start of your perfectly!This property is not listed for sale at this point in time but RealtyHop is constantly updating our inventory of available sales listings in real time. Don't want to miss out on this property? You can save the listing to your favorites by signing up for a RealtyHop account or you can check back frequently for updates.

This property description is generated based on publicly available data.

0 Past Sales

Date Unit Beds Baths Sqft Price Closed Owner Listed By

Building Info



  • Year Built: 1924
  • Effective Year Built: 1924
  • Building Count: 1
  • Bedroom Count: 0
  • Building Style: Unknown
  • Floor Count: 1
  • Basement Area: 0
  • Parking Space Count: 0


  • Lot Size Square Feet: 7,250
  • Lot Size Depth Feet: 580
  • Lot Size Frontage Feet: 1,250
  • Total Building Area: 3,600
  • Building Area: 3,600
  • Building Area Measurement: Building Perimeter

    Heating and Cooling

  • Air Conditioning: unknown
  • Heating: unknown
  • Heating Fuel Type: unknown


  • Sewer System: unknown
  • Water Service: unknown


  • Property Class: Commercial
  • Subdivision: COBE & MCKINNONS 59TH ST & WESTERN
  • Land Acres: 0.166
  • Standard Land Use Code: Commercial building
  • Legal Description 1: (COBE) & (MCKINNONS) (59TH) ST & (WESTERN) AVE SUB OF SE NE & NE SE SEC 13-38-13


  • Current Owner : SALGADO SABAS
  • Current Owner 2: SALGADO FIVIA
  • Previous Owner : RYAN DANIEL
  • Owner Before Previous Owner: LOPEZ RAYMUNDO
  • Owner Before Previous Owner 2: LOPEZ CATALINA


  • School District Name: Chicago Public School District 299
  • Census Tract: 660500


  • Zoning: B3-1


  • Assessors Map Reference: 023-107-03
  • District: 72
  • Parcel: 19-13-224-030-0000
  • Block: 5
  • Lot: 24,25
  • Meridian: SEC 13 TWN 38N RNG 13E
  • Municipality: LAKE
  • Latitude: 41.7866
  • Longitude: -87.6884


  • Full Address: 2554 W 59th St
  • Address - House Number: 2554
  • Street Direction: W
  • Address - Street Name: 59th
  • Address - Suffix Type: St
  • State: IL
  • City Name: Chicago
  • Zip Code: 60629



  • Tax Year: 2022
  • Tax Amount: $14,647
  • Tax Rate Code Area: 72175

    Open Liens

  • Total Open Liens: 1
  • Total Open Liens Amount: $154,000
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Lender: APEX MTG CORP
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Recording Date: Nov 06, 2000
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Loan Amount: $154,000
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Term: 360
  • First Open Lien Mortgage Position: 1

    Market Valuation

  • Market Total Value: $268,008
  • Market Land Value: $65,252
  • Market Improvement Value: $202,756

    Assessments Valuation

  • Assessed Year: 2023
  • Assessed Total Value: $67,002
  • Assessed Land Value: $16,313
  • Assessed Improvements Value: $50,689


  • Current Sale Contract Date: Sep 20, 2000
  • Current Sale Recording Date: Nov 06, 2000
  • Current Sale Transaction ID: 1146276860
  • Current Sale Price: $110,000
  • Current Sale Document Type: Warranty Deed
  • Current Sale Input Document Number: 00870465
  • Previous Sale Recording Date: Oct 14, 1994
  • Previous Sale Contract Date: Sep 26, 1994
  • Previous Sale Amount: $60,000
  • Previous Sale Document Type: Warranty Deed

    Last Sale Mortgage

  • First Mortgage Lender: APEX MTG CORP
  • First Mortgage Transaction Date: Nov 06, 2000
  • First Mortgage Loan Amount: $154,000
  • First Mortgage Terms: 360

    Previous Mortgages

  • Previous Mortgage Lender: COLE TAYLOR BANK
  • Previous Mortgage Transaction Date: Oct 14, 1994
  • Previous Mortgage Loan Amount: $42,000
  • Previous Mortgage Term: 36
  • Previous Mortgage Loan Type: Commercial
  • Previous Mortgage Loan Due Date: Oct 01, 1997

About Southwest Side

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Frequently Asked Questions

What neighborhood is 2554 West 59th Street located in?
The 2554 West 59th Street is a located in the neighborhood of Gage Park in Southwest Side, Chicago.
What is the average sales price for listings in 2554 West 59th Street?
The average sales price for units in 2554 West 59th Street is $0 currently.
